Malý buddha

As soon as you enter this restaurant (Little Buddha) near the Loreto, you feel surrounded by history. Some of the walls date from the Renaissance period, and some from as far back as the Gothic era.

But the cooking at Malý buddha is contemporary; the menu is a collection of Thai, Vietnam, Chinese and Tibetan dishes. Around half are meat-free, and most are based around various methods of serving noodles or rice. Even carnivores will appreciate the starters at Malý buddha. But the meat-free options are far from insipid or dull diet versions. If you’re choosing something vegetarian but can’t decide which dish, you can order the best items all one plate or an equivalent version with meat.

The interior and service create a cosy, friendly atmosphere at Malý buddha. It’s one of a very few establishments where you can lose all track of time and get carried away by the culinary experience and the magic of the moment. And if you’re feeling pleasantly sleepy, the very strong Vietnamese coffee, served with condensed milk, will rouse you from your slumber.

city centre | Lesser Town
 Type of establishment
$$ | $
Free Wi-Fi
Wheelchair accessible
Suitable for families with children
Pet friendly
Credit card

Malý buddha is very proud of its tea menu. And you’ve plenty of options to choose from, from Genmaicha with grains of rice, or Darjeeling from the foothills of India, or something herbal. The tea section includes at least 30 drinks.

Alicia, Avantgarde Prague
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