Next Door by Imperial

Czech cuisine

In Czechia, the name of chef Zdeněk Pohlreich is synonymous with and a guarantee of quality. Pohlreich has an iron fist not only in television programming, but also in his own kitchens, which recently included the Next Door bistro. From the outset, the dining room, which opens onto the kitchens, was conceived as a showcase for Czech cuisine, and the menu is entirely in keeping with this credo. The chef’s specialities include kidneys with mustard and cabbage sauce, and tripe with smoked paprika, with a marjoram turnover. Next door is one of those places where you can take both conservative family members and foreign visitors who want to discover Czech cuisine, and you can of course take a trip yourself to satisfy a culinary nostalgia. Beef fillet in a vegetable sauce, duck leg with sauerkraut or veal escalope with mashed potatoes are simply delicious. For less traditional dishes, try the venison with cranberry sauce and spätzle, or the veal cheek, which Pohlreich cooks in brown beer and serves with basil cabbage.

city centre | New Town
 Type of establishment
Free Wi-Fi
Wheelchair accessible
Suitable for families with children
Pet friendly
Credit card